History of 5S
What is the history of the 5S methodology
By Andy Pritchard | November 9, 2022 | 2 minute read.
Post World War 2 Japan had an enormous impact on Lean Manufacturing theory, forging new ground on how to make plants more efficient and safe. The Toyota Motor Company and analysts like Hiroyuki Hirano helped Japanese production outpace their American counterparts who soon took note and began to implement similar measures in their own plants domestically. Prior to Japanese innovation much of the progress in North America had come from the Ford Motor Company’s moving assembly line which had reduced the time needed to assemble an automobile from 12 hours to 90 minutes.

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Why is 5S important?
5S is often one of the first lean manufacturing processes companies implement on their continuous improvement journey.
The Benefits of 5S
Aside from the cultural shift towards lean manufacturing that quick 5S wins can bring for your teams, there are over 50 years of well documented benefits worth discussing.
Step-by-Step Facility-wide Implementation Roadmap
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Overview of 5S Methodology
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How to execute the 5S Set in Order Step
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How to create a 5S Audit Checklist
The phases of implementation including the objectives, step-by-step execution strategies, resource necessities, and timeline estimations for each phase.